Distinction at Home Care Plan

Your NDIS Plan

To enable participants to obtain the supports and services they need the NDIS plan requires participants to work with specialist service practitioners to develop their own personalised plan.

This plan should contain an immediate support plan and identify both short and long term goals for the participants which will assist them overcome their disability and enable them to live more independently and be more socially connected.

DHC will assist the participants to review their plan quarterly to ensure it remains effective in delivering the outcomes you seek.

What happens during the NDIS Plan Review?

The NDIA planner or Local Area Coordinator will contact you about two months before your plan expires to set up a meeting. You can choose a convenient date, time, and location, and you can bring a representative, advocate, or support person with you.

The meeting will be similar to your initial planning meeting, except that the planner will now have your support and budget expenditure history to draw on, as well as quarterly reports provided by your support coordinator, if you have one.

  • You can bring forwards issues for follow-up based on your previous review summaries.
  • Your results in relation to your goals and objectives.
  • Your happiness and the effectiveness of your assistance.
  • Your objectives and goals for the next 12 months.
  • Whether you want to change the type of support you receive, how frequently you receive it, and who provides it.
  • How you spent your budget, and how much you need for the coming year.
  • Whether you want support coordination and who you want to provide it.
  • Your choice of plan management – NDIS, Plan Manager, Self-Managed, or a combination – and who will provide it (if not self-managed).
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Disability Care Services Brisbane Terms

Your NDIS plan

Your NDIS plan focuses on your objectives, supports you, and allows you to live a normal life. Your plan is reviewed once a year, and the NDIA planners or Local Area Coordinators will focus on your progress towards or achievement of your goals.

They will also work with you to determine your goals and support requirements for the coming year.

Before attending your NDIS Plan Review meeting, you should think about your goals and objectives.  Consider the supports you currently receive under your NDIS Plan, as well as whether you want to add any new ones.

Distinction at Home Care provides a wide range of disability and lifestyle support services. If you already receive Distinction at Home Care supports, we will review your plan with you on a regular basis so that you are well prepared for your annual NDIS plan review meeting.

Make the most of your NDIS plan review

The NDIS Plan review process ensures that you are still on track with your short and long-term goals, as well as that you have the necessary funds to support those goals.

Often, circumstances and goals change, which means your plan and funding requirements will change as well. If you did not receive adequate funding in your previous plan, we can assist you in navigating and submitting a variety of NDIS Plan Reviews.

The NDIS Plan Review process can be very time consuming and overwhelming. Our goal is to make a complicated process simple and stress-free for our clients.

Disability Care Services Brisbane
NDIS Development Life Skills Brisbane

How we work with the NDIS

Distinction at Home Care is a newly registered disability provider in Brisbane. This means that we can provide you with NDIS funded support services.

  • We offer a variety of disability supports.
  • All of our NDIS support services are tailored to your specific needs.
We work with people 2

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